Clay Studio

Clay Studio

Chimney is finished and roof is on!

The chimney is finished and the roof is attached.  Having different colored roofing wasn't my first choice, but it was all that was left, and I wanted to get the roof finished sooner than later.  The part of the chimney above the roof was made from chimney flue and block, mortared together.  The bottom block, closest to the roofing was flashed to prevent leaking around the chimney.  Angle iron was welded around the corners for added protection.  It sure is great to have a roof over our heads, and not have to deal with covering the entire project with large pieces of plastic.

1 comment:

  1. That’s very resourceful on your part. For me, function should always take precedence over design because roofs are made to protect our homes. Although, that doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun with those roofs. Have you decided to paint them? I’d love to see some updates. :)

    Tiffany Larsen
